
1/2-inch long.


Marked on the back with numerous dark patches that give them a mottled gray appearance.

  • In United States, depending on species they are usually found indoors in area associated with heat such as boiler rooms, moisture, such as near water or tunnels containing steam pipes. They are commonly found in bathtubs, where they become trapped while seeking food or moisture. Firebrats and silverfish are most active at night and can run very swiftly.
  • Most firebrats, except for the common pest species live outdoor under rock, bark or leaf molds, in the nests of birds and mammals, or in ant and termite nests. They prefer warm temperatures and are numerous outdoors.

During the day, firebrats hide. If the object they are hiding under is moved, they dart toward another hiding place. They come out at night to seek food and water. Items on their preferred menu are cereals, moist wheat flour, books, any paper on which there is glue or paste, sizing in paper (including wallpaper) and book bindings, and starch in clothing. They can live for several months without food.

Seek food and water. Items on their preferred menu are cereals, moist wheat flour, books, any paper on which there is glue or paste, sizing in paper (including wallpaper) and book bindings, and starch in clothing.

These Insects are primarily a nuisance, but they do consume small amount of human foods and contaminate it with their body scale and droppings. They can do considerable damage to some natural and synthetic fibers, books and other paper products. They may also leave yellow stains, especially on linens.

Firebrats Prevention Tips

  • To keep firebrats away, keep basements, laundry rooms, and bathrooms, especially shower stalls, clean and dry.
  • Plug or putty holes or spaces around pipes.
  • Repair leaks and drips in plumbing.
  • Clean out closets periodically.
  • Collections of magazines, papers, and books provide food for them. Occasionally, move books around in a bookcase.
  • Keep foods in containers with tight lids.

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