
1/16 to1/8-inch (1.5-3 mm) long.


Dark reddish brown.

Prefer dog or cats as host, although they may be found on a wide variety of other animals, including rodents and livestock. Cat flea prefer locations where dust and organic debris accumulate and they are commonly found in houses, under buildings, and if temperature and humidity conditions permit, in yard. They are often found infesting opossums, raccoons, and skunks in urban settings.

Flea pupae are unaffected by the treatment until the adult fleas emerge from their pupal cocoon. In any flea population, all stages of the flea will be present including numerous pupae. It will take several weeks for all adult fleas to emerge from these pupae and contact the treatment.

Adult suck blood; larvae feed on dried blood/adult flea feces.

Fleas are the most common transmitter of the rare Bubonic Plague. They also transmit the bacterial disease murine typhus to humans through infected rats. Their saliva can cause serious Flea Allergy Dermatitus in pets, and their debris has been reported to cause similar allergic reactions in humans. Cat flea is intermediate hosts of the internal parasite (endoparasite) dog tapeworm, which is common in both cats and dogs. When playing near infested pets, children can become infected with this tapeworm by accidental ingestion of fleas that carry this endo- parasite. Can cause anemia in pets. The typical skin reaction to flea bites on humans is formation of a small, hard, red, slightly raised, itching spot. Bleeding may occur. The single puncture point caused by the flea's mouthparts is generally apparent in the center of each spot. Thus, close inspection reveals a small reddish bump with a more pale, flesh-colored center. Ants and spider leave two marks when they bite. Fire ants stings typically result in red spots than turns to small, hard, pale or flesh-colored bumps after a couple of days. Mosquitoes, bees, wasp, and Bedbugs leave a much larger swelling or welt. However the degree of reaction to the bite will vary from one individual to another.

Fleas Prevention Tips

  • Vacuum all rugs, carpets and furniture-especially between and under cushions. Then, seal and dispose of the vacuum bag in an outside receptacle.
  • Clear and clean all floors, even closets. Mop all tile and vinyl floors. Sweep all concrete floors.
  • Remove all decorative items, pillows, pet food, water dishes and children’s toys-be sure to check for items under beds and furniture.
  • Remove all pets. Fish bowls and aquariums may remain if properly covered and the air pump is shut off during treatment.
  • Wash or dispose all pet bedding. If laundering, wash pet bedding separately from other linens.
  • Mow your lawn and make sure everything on the ground outside has been removed.
  • The homeowner needs to arrange for treating the pet. A number of on-animal treatment products are now available. Treatment of pets should be done under the direction of a veterinarian.

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