
1/8” (3 mm).


1) Brown to Black. This ant is frequently confused with the Argentine ant but can be easily distinguished by its darker color.

2) And the fact that the front of its abdomen overhangs and hides its flat-tended petiole.

3) This ant gives off a very characteristics, pungent, and unpleasant ododr when crushed.

Nests are located in a great variety of situations both indoors and outdoors. Outside, nests are usually shallow and found underneath a board or stone. Indoor, these ants frequently nest in walls and underneath floors.

Odorous house ants may develop huge colonies containing thousands of workers and numerous queens. This species may be difficult to control and does not feed much on ant baits. The keys to control are to find the colonies and sub colonies and treat them directly. Regular inspections and service are necessary to find and treat new colonies as they move in from neighboring properties.

Odorous house ants like to eat sweets, especially melon.

These ants do not pose a public health risk, but they can contaminate food and should be avoided.

Odorous Ants Prevention Tips

Eliminate standing water. Pests such as odorous house ants are attracted to moisture. Keep tree branches and other plants cut back from the house. Sometimes pests use these branches to get into your home. Make sure that there are no cracks or little openings around the bottom of your house. Sometimes pests use these to get into your home. Make sure that firewood and building materials are not stored next to your home. Pests like to build nests in stacks of wood.

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