
20 mm (3/4 inch) to more than 25 mm (1 inch) in length.


Brown to black and have varying stripes or triangles on their abdomens

The larvae of horse flies usually live in water or moist locations where they prey on other insects, grow and migrate to dryer soil to undergo the pupal (cocoon) stage.

Weather has a great effect on the horseflies' behavior, as they only fly on sunny and hot weather.

Feed on the blood of cattle, horses, mules, hogs, dogs, deer and other mammals, including humans.

Only female horse flies feed on blood. Both flies are vicious, painful biters which feed on the blood of cattle, horses, mules, hogs, dogs, deer and other mammals, including humans. These flies cut through the skin using razor-sharp mouthparts that are shaped like a knife or razor. The flies will then suck the blood up from the wound for several minutes. This process makes these flies potential mechanical vectors of such diseases as anthrax, tularemia, anaplasmosis, hog cholera, equine infectious anemia and filariasis.

Horse Fly Prevention Tips

Dark, moving objects and shapes are most attractive to the flies. They are also attracted to carbon dioxide that is released from their hosts. To reduce exposure to bites, it is best to wear light-colored clothing, including a light baseball cap, especially on warm, sunny days when flies are most active.

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